

Skill questions

Hello fellow shady people !
I recently made a Shade to level 128 and is loving it so far (other than the subpar mobbing capability )
I just have a few questions:

1) How does Spirit Ward work? I still get hit with damage with this skill on and doesn't remove any debuffs from my experience...
2) How do you backstep animation cancel efficiently? Yes I've tried pressing attack skills and backstep right after, it does save a little time but still feels super clunky, am I doing it wrong?
3) Rumored shade revamp from KMS? True/False? (not the utility nerf and bomb punch speed increase)

Thanks guysss.
(Sorry for my noobness-- just came back from a 3 year hiatus after being hacked)

July 10, 2015

3 Comments • Newest first


Ahh I see that explains it. Thanks for your help guys!

Reply July 11, 2015 - edited

1. Spirit Ward blocks three attacks and/or three status resists. There is no animation or effect when it happens, so it will look like you've taken damage but your HP bar will not drop.
2. There's very little reason to animation cancel outside bossing. But yes, you have the right gist, just get better at it.
3. Bomb Punch gets faster and does more damage; Soul Split's duration is decreased by ten seconds; and Spirit Trap gets a longer cooldown.

Reply July 11, 2015 - edited

1. Spirit ward just blockes 3attacks
2. just do that, but better
3. not a revamp, just like Bomb bunch deals +40%damage every hit and a little faster. Also some utility skills get like +30sec CD which isn't that bad

Reply July 10, 2015 - edited