

misslime #General Talk


an idea about taken igns thanks to whoever fixed the thread title (?) means unsure nexon should make a system where you can flag players that you want the IGN of and if they have been inactive for more than 2-4 years then they will have a 1-2 month period on which they can log in and claim their IGN, resetting the 2-4 year count. if they fail to do so, the character gets a randomly chosen name and a namechange when they do return. wouldn't apply to people that are tempbanned, but would to permabanned ones. (?)a IGN can only be flagged once in it's lifetime, but the same player using a IGN can be flagged a infinite amount of times. for examplre, 90 people can flag the current owner of the FangBlade IGN, but once that IGN goes up for grabs an


About the Heartbleed bug A majority of people here probably heard about the Heartbleed bug, be it through news, the Nexon website, friends, social networks etc. Most people out there seem to be misinformed in some aspects of the bug, so I decided to make a thread to clarify everything. If you wish to read it, there's a whole page dedicated to clarifying everything about the bug [url=http://heartbleed.com/]here[/url]; this is just the shortened version. [header]What is Heartbleed?[/header] Heartbleed is a flaw on OpenSSL, which is the cryptographic software used to encode things like login info all over the world. In basic terms, the bug lets anyone connected to the Internet to get access to the OpenSSL database without leaving traces of ent

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