
Reboot just can't decide on a main char

I trained an Aran (140) and an Evan (110) but I'm not really feeling it.

Sure, they are strong but I don't LOVE them.
I trained a Shadower in EMS and I preferred those kind of classes, BS for mobs and dodging, assassinate on bosses and a couple of utility moves.

I don't want to train another shadower but I'm looking for someone similar. I prefer one of the hero class (because they already have a pet in the nx shop) but It doesn't have to be.

Do phantoms use a buttload of skills for bossing?
Are Shades decent without scrolls (low attack on weapons)
How is Mercedes at bosses?

May 7, 2017

5 Comments • Newest first


@mistercold: It'll be better if you can quote so that we know you replied. For Mercedes, the closest one I can found is from this site. Just use Ctrl + F and jump to 3.3.2 and translate it to English.

Reply May 7, 2017 - edited

Low visual daage is fine by me aslong as my actual killing speed can keep up with everyone elses.

I was afraid of the "Shade" issue, or I would have chosen him from the start.

Do you happend to have a video or guide or something that explains Mercedes' usage pretty wel?

All the guides I find are either just skill points allocation guides or show-off movies on how they solo (and I have no idea what they are doing)

Reply May 7, 2017 - edited

Phantom doesn't really use a lot of skills, but he sure does uses a lot of buffs and that's quite annoying in the long run. Shade is alright with no funds, but he has trouble keeping up with other classes in term of damage as long as funding is concerned, which is not that surprising seeing the utilities he possesses. Mercedes is wonderful at bosses if you know how to use her well, and her insanely high HPS coupled with the ability to hit the target constantly while being able to move out swiftly, especially for airborne target, do make up for her visually low damage so don't let that fools you.

Reply May 7, 2017 - edited

I actually played Xenoblade.

And yeah, good game

Reply May 7, 2017 - edited

Make a Phantom and steal Shadower skills? I don't know, dood. I can't decide for you!

Maybe you should try Xenoblade Chronicles too. Great game.

Reply May 7, 2017 - edited