
Benefits of Wind Archers?

I love wind archers a lot (well archers in general) because I love high speed attacks from a far range. I love wind archers style and their skill animations as well. However, do WA just simply suck? We pretty much have the same skills as other archers except its worst LOL Hurricane for example, we are the only ones that can't move while doing it. I know I should "play what I like" and thats why I'm still playing WA, but it really sucks when similar styled archers like WH and BM just does so much more damage compared to me. I am willing to spend money and time in the game, but having the idea in mind that I can output the same damage with similar skills with just half the time/money on WH or BM just makes me discouraged. So guys, what are the benefits that WA have that is worth sticking to the class? And sorry for posting in general I mean no one even reads the wind archer forum Thanks!

September 22, 2015

11 Comments • Newest first


you should be happy that archer classes are no longer as weak as they used to be a long time ago.. level 200 archers had like 4k hp before big bang and all that and moving around while using hurricane was never how that skill was intended to work

Reply September 23, 2015

I liked my WA when i played it the random flying arrow effects look great <3
Maybe knights will get a buff sometime after kisnene whatever his name is gets released

Reply September 23, 2015

Wind Walk is great.
Their Hurricane mobs.
Flower is very helpful for bossing.

The only reason why I don't play one is because their hurricane is just too over the top.
The fat emerald that comes out and the hit effect... oh my god, the hit effect...
I can't see what's going on with all that.

Reply September 23, 2015

Yeah it's sad how similar classes are. At least you got the whole green thing going haha

Reply September 22, 2015

@shiratsuki i will destroy you

OT: I think that wind archers are fine as they are, especially for hurricane. Copying every other job seems pretty boring and repetitive- not like the game isn't already boring and repetitive enough. If we do get a moving hurricane, I don't see a point in changing classes since everything else is the same

Besides, if you use emerald flower correctly you don't even need to move around. [url=].[/url]

Reply September 22, 2015 - edited

WA was OP for forever, so they got the Nerfhammer

Reply September 22, 2015 - edited

I totally understand u 100%
Im a mercades and just hit 950k range self buffed and it feels like my output is horrible
Im interested in what people will tell you what to do.

Reply September 22, 2015 - edited

[quote=itachi9821]WA skills look SOOOOO much better than like 80% of the classes out there (including BM).[/quote]

Pretty much that. Their skills are so flashy and that hyper! <3

Reply September 22, 2015 - edited

WA skills look SOOOOO much better than like 80% of the classes out there (including BM). I am making a BM because i like arrow platter tho (irrelevant lel)

EDIT: Have you considered playing the other classes? I know how you feel about feeling weak about a specific class. If you don't think the aesthetic is worth playing for, just do the switch. I've made the switch from NL to NW due to funding scaling. See if you actually like the other classes enough to make a new emblem, psoks, levelling, etc. I'd make the change for BM... I love the class right now and i'm not even done funding it yet

Reply September 22, 2015 - edited