

mymainacc #Demonslayer Talk

General Demonslayer

How to have a decent Ds with no funds DS are soooo cheap. First thing first, NO MANA POTS . Anyways, you spend the money you would on mana pots on high level hp pots since you have soo much hp. My DS is completely unfunded. Luckily, for me and any other unfunded DS out there, the coin shop event is a great help. Get 40 or so coins, 8 coins per item, and buy the lvl 70 gloves, face acc, earrings, scarf and the hat if you need one (I have demon horns or you can use the hat you can get for any warrior. This means the hat is NOT needed and is an extra 8 coins.) One you have those items, save up 15 coins or 30 coins. 15 coins can get you the level 70 ring and 30 for the 120 ring. That should give you some OK gear. Next, do LOTS AND LOTS OF MONST