

Does a Dks

How good is a Dk's Dps and range i have seen great things about them but please encourage me

January 28, 2015

5 Comments • Newest first


The Drk can out damage a Hero with Gungnir + Sacrifice/Final Pact.
Tho what I fine dumb is that Drks whom uses spears and other long reach weapons that means shouldnt they have the furthest melee range yet even a Dual Bandit can clear a wide range around them.

Reply March 3, 2015

- Passive HP healing when you attack
- Cross Surge despite the numbers nerf is still a huge damage increase
- Rush lets you hit 10 mobs so if the endeavors come back and you have to get a 10+ multikill, just rush instead of Lamancha
- Final Pact is great for just wailing away at high difficulty bosses without caring about taking damage, increases damage, no CD Gungnir, etc
- Evil eye is commonly overlooked by a lot of players, it provides a huge buff when casted, even if you're not planning on using it for Sacrifice
- Low funds still produces damage like pre-nerf Pally
- HB is the best and gets you into CPQ (Throwback Tuesday)

- Buff duration reliant for efficient Gungnir spamming
- Dark Impale has a short range
- Pretty slow up until 4th job, some people I know went for a FIghter/Page route for faster/more efficient way to hit 100, then open jobbed to DrK; costs 10m flat IIRC at level 100

Reply March 3, 2015 - edited

Its one of the top tier class and you dont really have to be funded to do decent damage.... and you ask others about the pros and cons... too much to list

Reply February 28, 2015 - edited

They are still wonderful to play. They are boring when you train (don't have huge range to clear a wide map), but they're still good. Gungnir may be down since you can't spam even if you have max buff duration, but you can wait a little bit to get the beholder buff first. The fact that we also have final pact makes a huge difference. It makes the class very forgiving to play. Every 6 minutes, you can basically "die" and resurrect. Within that time period, you are able to spam gungnir with no cool down AND it gets a boost from your hyper skills. Gungnir also has a MASSIVE range (can attack very far away). We also got great health drain during bossing. This makes the bosses that don't let you constantly spam pots to be simpler for us. Even though we got nerfed, I think we are still a very viable class!

Reply January 28, 2015 - edited

They got nerfed but still a decent class. They're a bit slow though. The recent nerf took them and pallys out of "Explorer classes that can actually compete with the newer classes" Now only NL remain (and maybe FP mages if we're talking about Dojo). I tried to get back into mine but I don't think its happening

Reply January 28, 2015 - edited