

Amoria Party Quest

Does APQ work as of now
Or has it been glitchy again?
I don't even remember when the last time was when it worked while I was around...
Has anyone tried lately?

If it's glitched, what exactly is glitched about it? I've never questioned WHAT is wrong with it, only IF xD
I'd hope Nexon has fixed it by now cause I'd like to go ahead and get some Apples again (they're so pretty!)

March 24, 2014

5 Comments • Newest first


@CrazyHolz: Awww okay.... so maybe it's a luck thing.... who knows or some weird glitch. Gonna have to watch over what we do carefully then.
Thank you<3 I guess I'll try to gather people soon to go ahead and try it xD

Reply March 24, 2014

@Nashi When we completed it we still used skills / buffs.
I'm not sure why people D/Ced and they weren't sure either.

Reply March 24, 2014

[quote=CrazyHolz]You can still complete it (I have recently), but the majority of time I've tried someone in the party D/Cs.
@Nashi The skills aren't blocked.[/quote]
Oh dear how was your party setup when you completed it? and why did people d/c?

Reply March 24, 2014

You can still complete it (I have recently), but the majority of time I've tried someone in the party D/Cs.
@Nashi The skills aren't blocked.

Reply March 24, 2014 - edited

[quote=blueballs]Still glitched. Can't use any buffs or skills on most stages only regular attack (ctrl). That's just what I know.[/quote]
Gawsh... GG. But doesn't that mean that if you in your party do enough dmg with your reg attacks you should be fine? xD
I'd hope it's doable lol.
Are the skills like "blocked" or do you d/c when you use them?

Reply March 24, 2014 - edited