

Whats your key config. ?

I'm so lost with my key configuration for Kanna, so many skills, I get so lost. Can you please post a screen shot of yours so I can get a good idea for my new setup.


March 11, 2013

4 Comments • Newest first



Probably won't help since I use a controller. The thing I like about this set up is that it transfer over to my other characters fairly easy.[/quote]

That's so cool how you play with a controller. <3

Reply March 14, 2013

For the longest time I used CTRL and alt as my go-to set up, but just recently I changed all of my mains to have a similar layout to the other games I play that use WASD to move. Now I jump with space, A is my main attack move (haunting for Kanna), then I have mobility/ secondary move on S, D is a secondary attack (soul shear), W is teleport (I'm an over-user of teleport), Q,E,R,T are other attacks, Shift is Vanquisher's charm, and buffs and ultimates are the bottom row.

Reply March 14, 2013

Try using marcos for buffing skills... and they can go on keys such as
" ` ", "End" "Page Down" "Page up" "Home" etc etc..
And "ASDFXCV" for attacking skills,
"A, S, C" for those you use most often...

Reply March 13, 2013 - edited

I have found that it's easier to put over 10 keybinds on a keyboard if you base the contols around ASDF rather than the traditional Ctrl, and alt, because now your right index finger has four keys to the right, so you can use all four fingers, and there is 2 rows above and 1 below, along with a second key below that you can hit with your thumb, and that way, all your keys are closer to where you're hands are already the lowest row is only one row down, and the highest is 2 rows up, so you don't have to reach four rows up or right to use skills, my control combination is: A = loot, S= potion, D = Jump, F = Shikigami haunting, G = Ether Pulse, H = Haku Perfected, L = NPC Chat, C = Nimbus Curse, V = Vanquisher's Charm, B = Soul Shear, E = Shikigami Charms, R = Tengu, T = Spirit Corral, Y = Radiant Peacock, 1 = Burning Haunting, 2 = Frozen Haunting, 3 = Mighty Haunting, 4 = Nine-Tailed Fury, 5= Demon's Fury, 6 = Binding Tempest, 7 = Orochi, Ctrl = Reg att, and Spacebar = Mount
Plus, if your boss is hyperperceptive, it makes it harder for him to catch you playing a game without being able to see your screen, because your left hand is more or less where it would be if you were typing a document of some sort, so it would only be given away if he could see your right hand was on arrow keys, because obviously, the left hand spacebar thing wouldn't apply.

Reply March 13, 2013 - edited