
How to make money?

Hi, I am Ngame989 and I have played Maple on and off for 8 years. At various points I was a horrible noob, then pretty strong, now I seem to be falling to below average status. I am currently sitting on a 70k buffed range and around 850m mesos. At the moment I am doing Dimension PQ every chance I get and selling gloves and doing Alien PQ, hoping to get lucky with potential reveal. But since my stock of books/equips to sell is drying up, I will soon be without much supply of money. My equips are pretty strong on their scrolled stats but most of them lack in potential.

Are there any bosses I should/could solo to make money?
Is there any reliable way to merch to make money these days?
Should I just buy NX/occult cubes using my current meso stash to try and improve my %dex?


July 2, 2013

4 Comments • Newest first


@above this is for people with over 1b to break even... I don't understand why this was posted

Reply July 2, 2013

1. Buy under average elemental staff - 175 m.atk preferred, for around 200m (Look around)
2. Use innocence scroll from Unleashed shop - this saves you around 70-100m to buy a clean one (Optional)
3. Buy maple leaves and stock up on clean slate scrolls (I buy leaves for 8k each). The clean slates scrolls dont expire, so you can use the extras for leisure
4. Use level 30-40 characters, go to kerning square and the doll machines, do the 300 monster kill challenge, afk, and get the tea bags. This will net you a easy 19 coins per day for each character. A scroll will need 20 coins, (I do mines with four characters a day)
5. Use the 50% scrolls for 1h m.atk on Elemental staff
6. If fail, clean slate it
7. Do this until all slots are used and work
8. Use unique scroll (800m) and give it bonus potential, or enhance it (Optional)
9. Sell the staff for e-z cash

Reply July 2, 2013

I craft earrings... If only people would buy my hp6% for 5m... It's cheaper than fm prices

Reply July 2, 2013

Do some event farming; this event is pretty good for making money.

Reply July 2, 2013