
Monsteropoly Question

Everyone starts the game in 1st place......has anyone just agreed to not play and keep everyone at first place? Would all three players get 3 coins or would the game be made invalid?

May 5, 2014

3 Comments • Newest first


Now that I think about it, MAYBE it could be possible, but unlikely. You would need to agree on not taming any monster, that way you can't attack anyone. Also You would have to avoid potions and bombs and try to complete the map the same number of times to all get the same HP at the end.

Reply May 5, 2014

well then that answers that question.

Reply May 5, 2014

First of all if you afk the game moves you after the time runs out and if you get bad luck you could end in the bomb or the potion and you will never have the same points also if you afk a lot at the end you won't get coins and won't win even if you have the most points

Reply May 5, 2014