

nivlek321 #Darkknight Talk

General Darkknight

UA DK skill build help Correct me if I am wrong but UA's start at level 50 which means they get 60 points for skills until 3rd job advancement. I plan on making a UA DK but what will I max? I know Soul Driver and Hyper body are a must but what about the other important skills? Booster, Iron Wall, Mastery; will I need to max all 3 of these as well? Personally I hate having to recast booster every minute or so. So should I pump points in 3rd job onto these skills if I won't be using some of the 3rd job DK skills at all? EDIT: I am not sure if any skills are automatically maxed for you or not or if Soul Driver takes up SP points. EDIT 2: Do UA's even get ground smash or enhanced basics? Are the max levels for some skills not the same as origin