

Trading AXE for SPEAR

HiHi Scanian Dark knights! It's me! Scania's one and only Lion Prince Hero lol. Long story short just looking to join the Dark Side! So trading my 2H Axe (Fafnir Battle Cleaver) for equal Spear (Fafnir Brionac)!
Image of my Fafnir Battle Cleaver
Summary of Stats
15 Stars
359 Weapon Attack
3 Line Potential of
(12% ATT, 30% Bosss Monster Damage, 9% ATT)
3 Line Bonus Potential of
(12% ATT, STR per 10 Character Level +1, 9% ATT)
And 25% Boss Neb with Beefy Murgoth Soul

April 28, 2016