

num2005 #Wildhunter Talk

General Wildhunter

how do you bind cougar skill? Hello all, I just started Reboot, and reached 140 on my WH, problem is, I only leveled up while mounted, and now i dont know how to play unmounted for bosses (singeltarget) how did you bind your cougar skill? i mean i am already playing my "archer" and i feel cluncky or hard to manage the cougar at the same time (my WAB skill is on "F" button / potion = shift button) so my fingers are kinda occupied and its hard to press 5 other skill with the rest of the fingers... how do you guys d it?! also i am an archer but for my cougar to "hit the ennemy" he need to be in close range (swipe) but my cougar is alwyas on top of me,s o i need to go in close rrange too? or he will just swipe in t