
Ap Resets You can quit whining now

I don't remember who said it, but I've seen a bunch of people complaining about the AP resets as of late.
For those of you who didn't look at the events, I see 5 AP resets coming over the next 2 months. Here is a list from the event menu in the game and their dates.

Tempest Hot Day 1, 12-1-12
Luminous' Arrival Hot Day 1, 12-8-12
Luminous' Arrival Hot Day 2, 12-16-12
Kaiser's Arrival Hot Day 1, 12-22-12
Angelict Burster's Arrival Hot Day, 1 1-13-13

Now go play, or better yet, study for finals!

December 1, 2012

3 Comments • Newest first


Yaaa.. i still need... at least 10.

Reply December 1, 2012

@MiracleGirl But when you wash you don't have any AP in HP/MP, that's why I'm curious. You put a point into HP and take it out of MP, so there's no points lost on a main stat.

Reply December 1, 2012

A lot of people have multiple characters, so I guess it would be justified to go nuts over not getting enough AP scrolls. They shoulda just resetted everyone's AP, like they did their SP.
On another note, does anyone know whether resetting all of your AP effects HP washing at all? I HP washed a while ago and I don't really wanna lose the effects of it.

Reply December 1, 2012