

Hero's Training is WEAK

Wow, this really upsets me. It took me about 3 hours to level per level between 115-120, semi-funded. A guildmate ran 117-120 in about 4 hours, on and off training, almost same funding and same training spot. In absolutely NO WAY, super buffed or not, can I even hope to match that leveling speed. EVER. This is unbelievably depressing. If there wasn't a filter on this forum, there would be swear word in every single one of my posts.

Who's bright idea was it to make Heroes SUCK so bad at training? You have a mobbing skill that hits 10 monsters at the SLOWEST attacking speed possible. Believe it or not, SHOUT is the best way to level a hero for a long time. Intrepid? Brandish? Only 3 monsters at a time, and if you're comparing Brandish to Shout, Shout wins. In the time it takes you to 1hko 3 monsters, in almost twice the time you can kill 10 with shout. But I've been ks'd out of every good spot by someone else for this very reason. I either don't mob as well as them, or my mob is so slow that I can't even ks them out. People actually RUN through the map and see me, CC, then come back again and ks me.

Bossing to level? I'm not the right level to boss yet, so I'm still slow. And it doesn't matter to say "I should boss to level," because ANY CLASS CAN BOSS. Every other class can level so much faster because they, hmm let's see (unfunded):

Mob faster
Move faster
Possibly kill faster

Don't even contemplate what class my guildmate was. This is true for EVERY CASE, EVERY CLASS.

Cool attacking class? High DPM on single targets? What's the point when I level 3 times slower than almost every other class AT MY OWN LEVEL, AT LEVELS HIGHER THAN MY OWN. You have no idea how much this upsets me, because I'm wasting time trying to pursue a class I find fun? Of course it's still fun, but why I am leveling so horribly slowly as opposed to others is beyond me. So telling me to roll another class because I'm getting ks'd or level slower, the basis as to why my class is becoming LESS fun, is INHERENTLY wrong. My class should be FUN, leveling at a REASONABLE rate: post OR pre-bb. This is total garbage that I get aca after dw's AND ks'd out of my map by them. It takes me at least 20 additional levels into 4th job to even have reasonable damage for bossing.

I'm mad pissed, and I KNOW a bunch of you out there have had to deal with this garbage. Anyways, if you happen to come across this post and were considering Hero. Keep. This. In. Mind

January 8, 2011

18 Comments • Newest first


lol, i think you have it easy
heroes made before bb had to slash blast himes with a priest up to level 120. that was hell

Reply January 21, 2011

Lol, took me 1 hour and 15 min to get 5 mill exp with roar in the mini dungeon, hit all 3 plats =D, os i dntk now this bs about how u train slow as a warior. im 112 now, just gonna take 2 and a half ours at 119 to get to 120, so i avg 2 hours a level from 112-120, imma say 14 hours, so 14 hours is slow? 14 hours u gonna get 1 hour and 50% pre-bb big boy, pre-bb i was level 78 and hate grinding be cause of take-so-long-to-level, i made a fighter at first thought seeing how cool they were 4 and a half years ago they were, all i wanted was rage, then i saw a 70 sader and i was like OMGOMGOGOMG combo counters, now im a 112, do you have any idea how much faster training has gotten?

Reply January 20, 2011

Well, I admit that I was mad pissed when I wrote this (as stated in the bottom), but even now I still think Heroes are one of the slowest. I completely forgot that Pallies don't have any super mobtastic use until 4th job, and even that has a long cooldown for training. I already made my point clear: same funding, you train, some other class trains - they will level faster. Heroes are indeed one of the slowest levelers and are easily KS'd from lvl 1 until the low mid 100's.

Albeit, having seen some pallies talk on this I really do feel sorry for them.

PS: I know this doesn't really matter but I was a Hero for as soon as BB x_x let's stop asking me to get to Hero please. The rant was comparative as to how I had to level compared to a guildy who did it a few days ago.

Reply January 10, 2011 - edited

[quote=xAerora]I disagree with the pre-BB hero's. Live to the future not the past, if you dislike the way they trained pre-BB you shouldn't have made one. I made one after BB just because it was easier on me, does that make me a hero-bandwagon noob? No, I always had preference to hero's but never had the motivation to make one because of the slack of training speed and the extra time I would have to put in.

@TS Live with it, life is unfair. When you're a hero it'll be fun again. If you don't have motivation then you don't deserve to be a hero.[/quote]

I'm not quite sure what you are objecting to. I don't hear the pre-BB Heroes complaining about anything, other than TSs whining. As for your question, yes, you are a hero-bandwagon noob. But then, I doubt that anyone really cares about that. Perhaps you do, but I certainly don't. And yes, there will always be people in Maplestory who will look down on you and others who received your 4th job after Big Bang. That's just the way it is. Now get over it and move on.

Reply January 10, 2011 - edited

I'm not relenting on this point. There's no 1-2 sec cooldown for shout, it's a slow skill. It gets faster with a faster weapon.

I'm sorry, I'm spoiled for not wanting to grind away 10 hours of my life per level pre-bb? Then yes, I'm spoiled. This would actually be more bearable if I could just pick up MS and play a Hero, but aside from bossing, let's talk 30 minutes pre-bb: why the heck would I want to clear a dungeon 30 minutes at 10%/hr. 10 hours of my life gone to gain one level and rinse,repeat cycle. Because I'll be honest, I definitely don't go on the game to enjoy the community nor the grindfest, as you've seen the community, and a lot of people are turned off by the ridiculous grind. I just wanted 4th job a long time ago, which I've achieved already. Looking back on it, Heroes could've gone much faster.

Looking into it now, we're still very slow. So you don't expect me to be angry about leveling speed hmm? Why shouldn't I be upset about my favorite class being consistently gimped in this game? I already have so little time to enjoy it as it is. And I have to deal with people coming in and completely wasting 30 minutes of a day. Spoiled, yes, why don't we go with that.

Playing a Hero, and playing another KS-tastic class, I do find Heroes the easiest to KS. Easiest... it's so sad that I would target my own favorite class if I need a map. Shout is useful post-bb, no doubt, but as I've already talked about the Shout <-> Brandish usefulness exchange.... somewhere, there's no decent medium between those two skills for training, which both have obvious faults.

Reply January 10, 2011 - edited

Loool/// Totally.
Btw, we have it better on training because we have monster magnet and rush and intrepid slash. FYI, a paladin higher level than me (157) is saying how we're so lucky for our training skills.

Reply January 10, 2011 - edited

yup yup, ts is spoiled... I pretty much agree with what all the other pre-bb heroes are saying right now... "AT LEAST YOU'RE NOT USING POWER STRIKE TO KILL STUFF"

Reply January 10, 2011 - edited

[quote=bello99]Yea and when I trained there as a lvl 80 sader a few years back I got 10 lvls in 3 days doing it the old fashioned way coma= pure win there learn to combo cycle. That map wasn't made for spamming shout to hit two plats you would find its faster to brandish coma them.[/quote]

Were talking about Unbalanced Time right? I dont know what kind of time warp ur stuck in, but Shouting 2 giant platforms and managing to hit them all is so much faster than Brandish/Coma... Plus people cc when they see all the numbers surrounding u, especially if theyre big numbers. Ive never been KSed while spamming Shout on a giant mob, whereas when Im brandishing a giant mob and Im only hitting a few, others feel like theyre welcome to "HELP" me finish it off -_- So for this reason I believe Shout is a very efficient way to train at Unbalanced Time, especially if u do enough damage to kill the mob within 3-4 hits.

Reply January 10, 2011 - edited

Actually at Heroes we're better than paladins at training BECAUSE of intrepid slash. Lol.

Reply January 9, 2011 - edited

I am so tired of the post-BB wannabes QQing about how difficult it is to level. Get real.

Reply January 9, 2011 - edited

[quote=Se7enStrike]Want me to post a Hero- Control vid for u? gosh not every class has to level like a beast..... once you hit hero, sure your still not as great but you can ks efficiently. Intrepid Slash spam -> Full Combo -> Next platform ->Rush & Magnet depending on spawn -> Coma -> Spam Intrepid Slash -> rinse and repeat.[/quote]

Always welcome to input. I'm actually very interested if you could post the video please

Reply January 9, 2011 - edited

[quote=21993]Heroes use raw power to kill huge mobs with 1 hit each. That's how cool we are.
But yes, it's hella slow leveling.[/quote]

I love how you summed this up so easily and truthfully lol.

Reply January 9, 2011 - edited

Heroes use raw power to kill huge mobs with 1 hit each. That's how cool we are.
But yes, it's hella slow leveling.

Reply January 9, 2011 - edited

[quote=bello99]I read what you said and its crap saders train fast your just doing it wrong. We have mobbing skills its called coma use it more often try to take advantge of chance attack when you get to hero you will have one of the best if not best mob control in this game thanks to monster magnet.[/quote]

Saders really dont lvl fast from 110-120, and Shout is the best way to train especially at Dual Ghost Pirates. Hit BOTH platforms with Shout there and u have a good 13+ mob right there that you can kill faster than Brandishing them. (Bigger Mob + faster killing speed = More exp), instead of (Bigger mob + a skill that hits a third of the monsters a little faster = slower). I get a lvl every 2.5 hours at 114-116 there doing this method, whereas my friends say its an average of 3 hours+ for them. But if you believe Brandish/ iSlash is the way to go, all to their own.

Reply January 9, 2011 - edited

[quote=ooo823]@bello: you didn't read it at all and it shows, so that's OK. Lolshout indeed. Single target DPM, nuff said.

@Ryan: your definition of mobbing is wrong. It just IS.

First I'm past 120. Second, if you want to run calculations, Shout is the best way to train. Third, me preferring Shout to train over Brand/Slash has NOTHING to do with noobiness. What other mobbing skill do you have? Oh rush? Did you read what I said at all? You rushed a bunch of monsters together? Well Shout will kill roughly 10 in the time it takes you to kill 7 with brand/I slash. I purposely stated UNFUNDED because most people that would read this post considering a new class wouldn't be funded. ANY FUNDED CLASS IS EASY TO LEVEL.

Lastly, you can't say that heroes need to boss to level. Why? ANY CLASS CAN BOSS. At the end of the day, you are limited to x number of boss runs. What do you do after that? You train. BACK TO SQUARE ONE.[/quote]

Hey next time say "and" Bello99.. Cuz u just sayn bello comments towards me and makes me think like I commented in this thread when I didn't..

Reply January 9, 2011 - edited

@bello: you didn't read it at all and it shows, so that's OK. Lolshout indeed. Single target DPM, nuff said.

@Ryan: your definition of mobbing is wrong. It just IS.

First I'm past 120. Second, if you want to run calculations, Shout is the best way to train. Third, me preferring Shout to train over Brand/Slash has NOTHING to do with noobiness. What other mobbing skill do you have? Oh rush? Did you read what I said at all? You rushed a bunch of monsters together? Well Shout will kill roughly 10 in the time it takes you to kill 7 with brand/I slash. I purposely stated UNFUNDED because most people that would read this post considering a new class wouldn't be funded. ANY FUNDED CLASS IS EASY TO LEVEL.

Lastly, you can't say that heroes need to boss to level. Why? ANY CLASS CAN BOSS. At the end of the day, you are limited to x number of boss runs. What do you do after that? You train. BACK TO SQUARE ONE.

Reply January 9, 2011 - edited

This is exactly why i'm working on a hero.

Reply January 8, 2011 - edited

I didn't read what u said because its too long, so i might say something that doesn't pertain to this thread.
To to dual ghost pirates and u can get 1 lvl in about 1.5 hours at 115~120 even if you are not funded.
And bossing isn't quiet good until lvl 140.
Idk if i answered anything u asked. Probably not huh?
srry if i didn't. what u wrote is just too long D:

Reply January 8, 2011 - edited