pheonix1004 #Firepoisonarchmage Talk

General Firepoisonarchmage

Another Range thread While the servers are down What's the most efficient way to improve my range for my f/p? currently i have ~100k range clean and im working on getting a shoulder, shield, and superior gollux stuff ( no earrings, no cape, no shield, no shoulder, only 1 ring) ~290 matk fafnir staff epic with some random potent ( i think 4% total dmg is the only significant line) 11star cra hat, top, bottom ( 9% int, 6%int 9% int respectively, scrolled with 70% spell traces) 6% int ghost badge 6%int maple emblem superior dimmension gloves, 70% spell traced then enhanced solid gollux ring 6% int 4% int senior shoes clean solid gollux pendant and belt Yup. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! p.s. I plan to get a tyrant soon and icsog / enh