

300k Range on Bm equals to ? on Mm

Hey, I have a lv 200 BM with 300k range and I was wondering what range I'd have on a MM.
Which would be the better bosser with this range(gollux)?
Thank you

October 16, 2014

3 Comments • Newest first


Right now I have 100% crit on my bm

Reply October 17, 2014

Personally, I found it easier to gollux as a BM. As a BM you just set up a turret to kill one side of the mob and phoenix to kill the other side, then you just hurricane right in the middle and walk left/right. When you get to eyes and gem use turret to kill the mobs and solo with blaster/hurricane. As an MM I personally found it clunky having to jump to the other side and dropping puppet and coming back. Plus, I kept getting hit by arm during mid snipe cast. This is just my opinion on it though.

Range-wise BM and MM, BM's would be higher because of that one passive skill that lowers defense and gives atk. MM would be stronger though because of snipe's 100% crit and the crit boost from the passive skill.

Reply October 16, 2014

Gollux specifically is easier with Bowmaster since you have arrow blaster on the bottom to kill the mobs. As a MM you just have to out-dps the eyes and jewel.
I'm not sure which is stronger though.

Reply October 16, 2014 - edited