pinoymystic #Fun Talk

General Fun

guide to being basil famous Since a lot of people want to know how to get "basil-famous" (lol why would you even want to be basil famous that's the dumbest thing ever.), here's what you do: -have a dumb, annoying catch phrase or attribute like liking sloths and yoshis. -have a very recognizable avatar like looking like mario or something -having a dumb ship with other people like another person from the same gender or have a harem -always quote other people -be holymythos And you have gained your way into basil fame! Disclaimer: This is all satire and basil fame is dumb, don't do it kids. don't listen to me. don't be like me. because you will be a no life loser. enjoy.

General Fun

what would you look like as the opposite gender? i found this fun thing going on tumblr. so here's the rules: if you're a guy, go [url=]here.[/url] if you're a girl, go [url=]here.[/url] and post your picture. i got: i think i make a cute boy. actually, this is how i imagine myself as a boy. rofl. but anyway, let's see your's! and don't complain about how it's too hipster for you. gosh, just do it.