

Clean Slates from Connor Glitch Speculation

I don't know if this is a glitch or something, but I have bought ~14 Clean Slate scrolls from Connor, and so far none of them have worked. I would just like to ask whether others have had this, if it is a glitch, or I'm just having some major bad luck.

July 16, 2012

7 Comments • Newest first


I've bought like 8 and i've got 3 to work

Reply July 18, 2012

[quote=plxceo]So I just bought my 15th, also didnt work. Perhaps it IS bad luck, although I seem to have a lot better luck with the GMish like scrolls in that same shop....all have passed except the only two I didnt use a WS...T.T

Also, you can use a CS on an enhanced item. I did it with my old wand[/quote]
I passed like two or three in a row when I first started CSing my shield, but when I was CSing my... some accessory (I know, I know, wasteful and profligate and not ~endgame~)... I failed something like fifteen in a row at first.

Reply July 17, 2012

So I just bought my 15th, also didnt work. Perhaps it IS bad luck, although I seem to have a lot better luck with the GMish like scrolls in that same shop....all have passed except the only two I didnt use a WS...T.T

Also, you can use a CS on an enhanced item. I did it with my old wand

Reply July 17, 2012

Diligence doesn't affect special scrolls like CS, Chaos, Potential, etc.

Reply July 16, 2012

I've lost track of how many I've bought, but I'm sure at least one should have worked by now (I think I have 15% success rate with diligence), even the CS's from the last event kept failing...but my question is whether or not an equip that has been enhanced can have a CS successfully used on it? I see no reason why it shouldn't, but it sounds like it could be an issue...

It IS possible for it to be just bad luck though...

Reply July 16, 2012 - edited

Fourteen is not a lot, hon. You have almost a 25% chance of failing 14 CS scrolls in a row; they've only [i]got[/i] 10% success rate.

Reply July 16, 2012 - edited