

pr3stig3 #General Talk


Why quotoldquot Maplestory was better [*][b]We were all in the same boat-[/b] Everyone had just started playing Maplestory, and we were all in the same situation. People gladly helped one another, because that was the only way to get things done. Nowadays, new players have trouble finding "real" friends, and forming true bonds. There aren't any challenges to the game anymore. The gameplay has become too easy, and the cooperative aspects of the game are gone. [*][b]The game was new-[/b] The game was new and exciting. There were so many unexplored maps and dungeons to go see. I used to love exploring the deeper parts of sleepywood with my friends. I remember when getting to balrog was such a big accomplishment. [*][b]NX didn’t dom


What's the point of accuracy? Now that BB has level-specific training spots now, if you train at a higher leveled monster, you'll miss most of the time. What's the point of accuracy then? The reason I made a ranger was for their high accuracy and ability to hit higher leveled monsters earlier than other classes. Now that it's all based off of your level, what is the point in making a character with higher innate accuracy than one with a lower innate accuracy? Doesn't this take away from the most fundamental part of the classes? Their particular strengths and weaknesses? Anyways, just something I wanted to rant about. Carry on :)


Question on where to train. Hey guys, I'm currently a level 90 ranger, with a damage range of 1781~3234. I have decent HB, so HP generally isn't a big problem. My main problem right now is I don't know where to train. I know that Typhons are the best training for my level right now, but it's such a pot burn, and takes too much focus. I usually like to multi-task while I'm training, such as watching a TV show on the side, or talking with my friends on the phone. I would like to train somewhere with low-maintenance so I don't have to be constantly repotting, making sure I don't die. I've tried newts before, and it was too slow for me. Currently, I move around from Jesters, Gallos to Dual Binks. If someone knows of any good training spots for


How does the potential system work? Hey guys, I just have a quick question about the potential system. How does it work? Sorry if it's a noob question, but I quit MS for half a year, and I just recently started playing again. So here are some of my questions. 1) Does everything have potential? 2) How do you know if it has potential or not? 3) Where do you get the magnifying glasses? 4) Cubes = ? Also, how do "enhancements" work? Are they the same as scrolling an item, but it doesn't use up a slot? Anyways, thanks in advance for all your help! Btw, L> literate friends in Bera :)


Is MapleStory dead? Do people even like play this game anymore? I haven't played MS in like 3 years, but lately, I've been feeling nostalgic and might come back to it. My question is, is it worth it? Do people even play this game anymore? And by people, I don't mean brainless kids that grind for 24/7, I mean actual social people who can manage to hold a conversation about more than just the weather. And if Maple is worth coming back to, what major changes within the past 3 years should I be aware of? PS: How's Bera these days?


Whats the point in being legit? I see hackers vs legits argue all day over the semantics of playing Maple "legitly." But my question is, is there even a point to being legit? People are getting hacked on a daily basis, hacked items/scrolls flood the market, and 50% (I realize I might be off by 1 or 2% here) of level 200s have all hacked to their levels. Why not join the club? Nexon clearly doesn't care as long as the dough keeps rolling in from people buying hacked equips in the MTS, then why should we? Why not just hack to any level we want, and get the godly items you've always dreamed about? Why spend countless of hours just to level up once, when you can go to sleep and wake up 30 levels higher? Why use your crappy 161 attack


Farewell MapleStory. Ill miss you. So, after 4 years of an on and off relationship with MapleStory, it’s finally time for me to put this love affair to an end. I started playing this game in the fall of 2007, when all of my friends were getting into World of Warcraft. Being the cheap Asian that I am, I didn’t want to pay a monthly fee, so I looked elsewhere to turn to. After googing “free MMORPGs,” I saw something that caught my eyes. I saw an ad for MapleStory, with monkeys throwing bananas in Florence Beach. I thought this looked interesting, and decided to download it. Little did I know, it would become my new obsession. I remember when I first started playing; MS was going through a Thanksgiving event with turkeys, letters that