

Training spots for 133

I haven't really trained recently, mostly because I don't know where... so help is very much appreciated.
My range while completely buffed is 8200~10933. I have some %int equips but they're not the best, and I have no funds to improve on that for now.

Alternatively, are PQs still a thing? Does anyone do these anymore?

Oh and anyone know a good place to farm pots? Preferably one with both HP/MP. I like Silent Crusade but they give out separate hp/mp pots, so it's a hassle...

August 9, 2013

7 Comments • Newest first


@AidenAtack: Idk but I was just downloading something for 6 hours and it said it had 9 hours left and now all of a sudden it stopped and I have to start it over again.
This also happened yesterday.

Thanks Google Chrome.

Reply August 10, 2013

Once you get magic guard, just buy mana bulls from NLC and reindeer milk from RA. You don't really need HP pots anyway with MG

Reply August 10, 2013

If you want a traditional grinding spot, go to Cornians and Dark Cornians found in the hidden streets on the Red Dragon Turtles map. The hidden streets are accessed by falling into pits, the physical portals aren't them.

For farming pots, I discovered that Ani the Prison Guard over in LHC is a good place. He's in the bottom right portal of the 5th tower (you'll have to do all the prequests to get there). You can enter as many times as you'd like, and he drops a box which usually gives 100 Reindeer Milks or 100 Sunrise Dews at a time.

Reply August 10, 2013

This might be getting off topic, but how do you do the dimensional invasion pq? Does anyone have a link to a guide for it?

Reply August 10, 2013

What's hoh?

Reply August 10, 2013

Yes, PQs are in fact still things that exist.
I would recommend doing the Evo Lab with exp and spawn cores, and Kenta PQ for sure.

Reply August 9, 2013