

radkai #General Talk


Aranilicious Bera 3rd job Aran kser I was training on gallos on 2x rep and Aranilicious came in and started ksing me in my last few minutes of 2x. I asked politely to change channels please. He said, "qui". I know a bit Spanish and the only thing close to "qui" is "que" which means "what". So I tried to make him leave by Spanish. But he keeps repeating qui. And then this happened. People please blacklist this guy and ks him whenever you see him.


What's with the high levels? As you guys should know high levels are in El Nath due to the training spots and bossing. As a new 4th jobber, I really need to kill Zakum to get books. I asked my alliance but everyone pretended I said nothing except 1 person, who told me to gift him SoK. I didn't want to waste nx when I can loot so I refused. I roamed around El Nath for high levels asking if I can join them for Zakum. One guy (level 198 archer) said he's not in the mood (WTH NOT IN THE MOOD TO HELP A FELLOW GUY OUT? I WOULD HELP OUT FUTURE 4TH JOBBERS GET BOOKS FROM BOSSES WHEN I'M HIGH LEVEL). Everyone else just walks away like I'm invisible. What the hell?

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