

raicouri #General Talk


Resistance Hackers getting out of control The title says it all. A total of five channels in mp3 were taken over by wild hunters exploiting the skill" its raining mines" by using a cluster of mines across the entire map(personally, i think this is a strange name, as with other wild hunter skills, ex. jaguar rawr). I've also seen a variation where the wild hunter appears, drops a solid line of mines across all open space on the map(killing all monsters present), then changes channels. I've even seen battle mages hacking by using a skill (i don't know of the name) similar to poison bomb for night walkers, damaging all monsters in a certain area overtime down to 1 hp. This way, if you are killing on that platform, you'd receive less


New Link Skill Management? "Link Skill management has been improved. A beginner-level skill has been added for all characters that are 1st job or higher. A maximum of 12 link skills can be assigned to a single character at one time." I was under the impression that switching links would become more streamlined, instead of having to switch between 10 different characters. Is it glitched or what? Because I really don't see how this is an improvement. It's just a list of my links... which we already kinda had. If this was intentional...then idk anymore :/


Hard to log in and intense lag? Hey guys, Just patched tempest, but now it takes multiple tries to even successfully open the maple client. I have to try at least 5 times (waiting at a black screen ~5 minutes per try), getting the "You have been disconnected" message, until I eventually log in. THEN, I have intense lag, even if i'm just standing there. I've never lagged in ms before this patch... Is it just me / a few people? Or everyone? </3 Now it takes ~4-5 clicks to add an sp point, and theres thousands of sp to add across all my characters...

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