

Random Angelic Buster Straw Dummy Statistics

I was bored, so I decided to do some testing with the new straw dummies from Dojo
Turns out ABs can do up to ~1.5 billion DPS
Capping Soul Seeker (with Finale Ribbon used beforehand) is just a bit shy of 1b DPS:
Capping Trinity with SSE on is ~900m DPS, though I didn't use Finale Ribbon, and my SSE wasn't capping either:

So yeah, ._. 1.5b DPS is equivalent to 30 hits per second for most other classes, which is pretty good.
Trinity with SSE >> Soul Seeker in most cases, I guess, especially after factoring in i-frames and the fact that it's a lot harder to cap with Soul Seeker.

December 23, 2015