

Stone tooth paladin help

I was wondering something about you stone tooth using pallies.
What is your base dex?

I want to make a pally, and I will be using a ST on it.
I prefer to have my equips give STR % than +dex, so I'm trying to see other ST pallies capped their dex to figure out where to cap mine(most likely somewhere high-ish).

February 3, 2011

3 Comments • Newest first


Ah well I'm too poor to buy a good shield. Not going to sell my hero's 139 ST for it.
I'm just not going to make a pally, probably for the best.

Thanks for the help

Reply February 4, 2011

Using a Stonetooth on a Paladin is pointless. You lose a third job skill and part of a fourth job skill, and you need a giant DEX requirement. STs are also weaker than well potentialed 1h sword and shield combo.

Reply February 3, 2011

Well even though I love the look of a ST, I'd [b]personally[/b] be against going ST pally because for an end game ST, you could prob get a better SC and att shield. You also don't have to worry about getting dex items and focus on %Str and +str rather than %str and +dex. If I did have to go ST thought I'd prob cap my dex at the most at 20, but I'd rather cap around 20. It all depends on funding though.

Reply February 3, 2011