rockboarder #Bishop Talk

General Bishop

end game wepon So I am nearing end game and I a final wepon: reverse staff or dds. Is there another staff that i should/could use. The vip staff is very expensive to buy and if i bought it i would be unable to scroll it to some godly stat. And idk y but i hate wands. I know i will not get the reverse at lvl 120 due to my funding but i want to plan a head. Lastly, i would like to know a pre end game wepon xxx att an what wepon should it be. current wepon: Maple wisodom staff 98 MATT 154 hp no Pot and luk wont be a problem: I wana know what would be the simpler option to get over all and if theres another wep......

General Bishop

Making a bishop as my new main So I have decided to quit my Demon Slayer to play a bishop. I have a few items and set effect questions on how to gain the most damage. I currently have 15% int pendany (htp) and 10b(pure meso) for armor and 5b for wep saving 15 to merch with and upgrade later I quit about 1 month after chaos patch was released in gms, and set effects are common now. What would be the best set I could get. 1) loveless wep then perfect then 5set emp 2) fanfair wep(buying for max + 1 evo ring 3) + 5set emp buy from real life friend 3) full emp 4) 1 root abyss (not 150) with 100% tier upgrade +5set emp 5) other? I have only been back for 3months give or take a week so if im missing something obvious please tell me. Thanks for the