

Question about post-justice skills

What will happen to the skill points put into for example TT when it is moved to the 3rd job skill section? I don't want to waste money on a skillbook and then have to get another skillbook for another skill after having it moved. So will we get free points into the new skills without having to use a skill book or would we have to look for one? Help would be appreciated, thanks.

May 29, 2012

4 Comments • Newest first


Oh okay, thanks for the help.

Reply May 29, 2012

@kayeyearekay what you say is true, yet as MrTouchnGo said, kms apparently automatically moved the skills despite the different IDs, so yea...only time will tell.
what i suggest to do. buy cheap thief books (venom, ninja ambush, etc). if we are to follow kms, we are allowed to trade in old books for new ones, so trade in ur old bought books for the new ones.
plus, you get 2? free mastery book that automatically raises one skill to max.
one for being a thief, and i believe one from the justice coin shop iirc.

Reply May 29, 2012

each skill has a particular ID. for example... in your book, on the 4th job... if the order from top to bottom is 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc...
then which ever points you unlock, will have that same amount unlocked. so if you have all four unlocked to 30 points,
then when the skills are revamped, you will still have 30 points unlocked for each of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th order skills.

however, since TT changes to quad throw(iirc) unless they are in the same skill ID position, you wont get it to 30 points automatically
its a bit annoying since we wont know the skill book positions, but its best to try and pass as many books as you can

Reply May 29, 2012

Your Mastery levels should be transferred (they were in KMS so far as I've heard), but no one really knows which skills transfer to which.

Reply May 29, 2012