

rycudaEX #Fun Talk

General Fun

3ds Friend List Code Thread There used to be a Friend List Code Thread back here a long time ago but pretty sure its gone now so I'm starting one up. Simple stuff, post your Friend Code here with your basil ID and I'll update the thread with a list of the people that posted their info. [b]MAKE SURE[/b] you add the person via Friend List and they have to add you back as well Basil ID - Friend Code RycudaEX - 3179-6070-9470 Newspaper - 2406-6413-2623 Ness - 2148-8140-3635 TheAxelFenrir - 3239-3503-4630 [b]MAKE SURE YOU ADD BACK THE PEOPLE AS WELL, BOTH PEOPLE HAVE TO ADD EACH OTHER TO BE REGISTERED AS FRIENDS[/b]