

saharshap #Mercedes Talk

General Mercedes

Character Cards For Me? I saw a post similar to this earlier and it had me thinking... what sets should I use? (everything is rank S) Currently I'm using: Xenon, AB, Cannoneer Merc, Kanna, Lumi DA, , Kaiser, Aran I have a Mercedes, Lumi, Kaiser, Phantom, AB, Cannoneer, Jett, Mihile, Kanna, Hayato, DS, Shadower, Aran, Xenon, and DA. I don't have anymore slots so I would have to wait for an event of sorts, but this is my current Character Card Setup. Any ideas to make it better? (Thinking of changing the Aran card and Lumi card And yea I main a Mercedes

General Mercedes

Lag During Hurricane Skills On Bosses I've been lagging while using any hurricane skills and it's quite annoying when all I want to do is boss. Every other skill seems fine, and my Ishtar's Ring seems too work fine on everything with low hp. However, on anything that that's slightly beefy, the screen freezes. I can still hear noise in the background but everything else seems the same. I've tried changing settings to the lowest, but it provides the same results as if the settings were on the highest. I think the problem with my lag is an fps issue due to the numbers spamming, but I don't know how to resolve it (or if a transparent damage skin would resolve it). Any help would be greatly appreciated. P.S. I can't "git gud" and one s

General Mercedes

Potential On DBGs I bought a Fafnir DBG and right now it's 6/8 no hammers. I'm planning on getting the hammers sometime this week 'cause it's my birthday according to BT c: <3 presents! Back OT: I was wondering what kind of potential I should go for on my DBG's. I plan on using unique potential scrolls in two weeks and with birthday money nx shouldn't be a problem. So if cubes don't screw me over like they seem to do to most, what potentials should I attempt to get on my Bow Guns? I currently have 57% Bossing, 107% Defense Ignored. 357 Wep Att, and somewhere around a 57k-66k range if I remember correctly. I want my Fafnir to be awesome so any advice would be appreciated.