

sano4444 #Site Talk

General Site

Wth basil, when will u update? Ive been trying to seel this dang "advanced dark aura 20 mastery book" for [b]battlemages[/b] since like bb came out and basil has yet to freaking update the auctions mage section for me to sell it. I had to sit in fm for HOURS and waste smegas with no results. This is why i use basil for my buying and selling needs. When will you update the mage mastery book section so i can post this advanced dark aura 20 book up? Or am i perhaps looking in the wrong place?

General Site

Mods and their rules*no its not a rant* i think? Well honestly a few days ago i saw in a thread a mod saying they do hand out "warnings." However i honestly can not believe this. Why can i not believe this you ask? Simply because when i do something against the rules whether its on purpose or by mistake*i'll admit i do break rules on purpose sometimes and therefore deserve no warnings but for the latter yeah* i always get suspended. For example, a few weeks ago i made a thread asking about something. It went un touched with no comments. A few hours later*must have been 6 or so hours iirc* i checked it again and it was still untouched with no comments. I needed an answer. I decided to repost the thread, how ever knowing doing that

General Site

Basil revolution part 1.5 Well as some of you know, zora wishes to have a basil revolution. Simply put a change on some of the rules. Whether these changes make the rules totally new rules or changes them for better understanding she as well as many others*myself included* would like this to happen. Upon saying this however zora is busy with real life matters and can no longer attend to the basil revolution process for the time being. I offered her help due to this matter and on her behalf i 'd like to have your opinions and suggestions on the rules and what you believe should be changed and how it should be changed. When commenting with these suggestions and opinions please give a little reason on why you say "so and so rule should be