
Coming Back AgainGet Me Up to Speed?

Hey I don't know if I'm familiar to anyone here but I'm back now. Didn't play really at all for 2016, and most of 2017, just did log-ins every few months to be sure my account still existed.

I've been playing for about a week now and doing what I do best, character hoarding. Leveled my Bowmaster from 165-176, then made a Fire/Poison made and got him to 116 in a day, then made a Buccaneer and got her to 108 in 2 days (Brawler 2nd and 3rd Job are BORING, even with personal Kishin and HS). I have 2 alternate accounts, one with a Kanna and one with a Bishop, helps a lot with those boring early levels.

But yeah...what's changed, what's new? I know about Elite Bosses, new Zakum (CZak is actually satan now), 5th job advancement and skills, and all the V.190 Changes.

What bosses can a 500k range decently skilled Wind Archer solo?
How do you survive the training slog from level 160-200? 140-160 is no longer DPQ spam thank goodness, now that we have Kerning Tower. But my Bowmaster is up to 176 and I just kinda wanna gouge my eyes out from spamming arrow stream on Omega Sector star force saucers.
What generates steady stream of revenue? I've spent about 2.5b of my 4b, half of it was getting an Epic Potential Tyrant for my Wind Archer, the rest is just kinda me screwing around trying to find which class feels nicest with a bit of funding. I'm obsessed with Explorers, and once I get my new Outlaw up to Corsair, I'll have every 4th job explorer. So proud.

Any information about anything is appreciated. Also if anyone wants to pal around in Khroa (Khaini + Broa, which I prefer the name BROHINI) I'm down.

My current character list is as follows.
203 Wind Archer
176 Bishop
165 Paladin
176 Bowmaster
151 Marksman
158 Dark Knight
41 Dual Blade
144 Shadower
143 Night Lord
152 Ice/Lightning Archmage
116 Fire/Poison Archmage
61 Outlaw
144 Angelic Buster
149 Hero
108 Buccanneer
42 Aran
38 Evan
151 Dawn Warrior
110 Thunder Breaker
63 Blaze Wizard
1 Mihile
1 Night Walker (want to eventually have every 4th job Cygnus as well)
34 Wild Hunter
1 Battle Mage
And a bunch of link mules that I'm really not that interested in leveling.
Demon Slayer and Avenger
2 Mercedes (I level so many characters that I need to be able to switch the link skill more than once daily)

November 30, 2017

9 Comments • Newest first


For lvl 160-180, go to Kerning then go into subway and go to Kerning Tower. Then go up to the 4th floor and go through the right portal 3 times. Should be some reddish headphone mobs, give tons of XP but they have a lot of health. Then once you're 180, go to Twilight Perion, where you'll train till 200.

Reply December 8, 2017

train only during 2x
train a class you actually like in terms of theme and gameplay (training & boss)
watch a movie or videos while training

Like I chose BaM because I like the dark theme, and BaMs don't just sit around spamming one skill, they can provide a tiny bit of support, they're also pretty tanky. My ping's not that bad either, usually when I have issues everyone else does too. Making my character look cute helps a lot too.

I was going to pick TB but I dislike how squishy they are, and they sort of lock in place when comboing. Takes time to deal with that but I don't have the patience on top of its squishiness.

Go watch some videos of jobs of your interest grinding and bossing. There's many jobs I would consider maining but all it can take is just 1 skill that can cause you to lose all interest (looking at you Hero).

Reply December 8, 2017 - edited

Look at the updates to get up to speed quickly. Mind you, some things got nerfed(boss drops for example) and a lot of people didn't take kindly to that lol. Reboot is still the most populated server atm, but isn't doing too good in terms of enjoyability. Ever since the nerf to meso drop rate it's been harder for new players (and returning players like myself) to fund many different characters when you need mesos. People say Bera is the most populated normal server....but I really beg to differ. There will be a burning event around the 14th so if you wanna get a character to 150 quick I advise you look out for that time. With 500k range, there are a lot of bosses you can solo such as easy and even normal mag, normal ranmaru and so on and so forth. I just got back into normal servers so I don't know exactly with streams revenue, but in Reboot you'll pretty much have to work with what you got like selling drops from enemies. If you have the time and patience you can make a Kanna, level it up to around 100 or 150, and make it a meso farmer. To do this effeciently, you need % meso gear, and in order to acquire that you'll need to cube some gear to legendary to get it(potions, familiars, and etc works well if you don't have billions to spend on cubes like me because broke life). This'll take some time, but honestly if you're not in it to do end game bosses or to carry others, just enjoy the game as it is. Much less frustration this way. Good luck

Reply December 8, 2017 - edited

aint worth coming back turn around while u can

Reply December 8, 2017 - edited

Looking over my player list, I've decided to start the new classes I don't have that I'm able to start and then bring enough up to lvl 50 to get that stupid medal. But after that yeah I can wander over to Broa, depending on what I have there!

EDIT: So after playing the game for two days, I have to say: I'm not very impressed with the changes in the menu and game interface designs. I also forgot how much "noise" you get barraged with while playing, and so, so, SO little of that is other people (I mean, thank god for that) but rather all the leveling/event side quests popping up all the frikin' time. I'm remembering why I quit playing last time. What a series of turn-offs! And parts of the main game's website also seem broken, too. Do they not care about the quality of their product anymore? Sheesh.

Reply December 3, 2017 - edited

Come play in Broa it's pleasantly silent. My current project is leveling a Corsair for Breakthrough. Do I expect level 200? No. But I do think I can get those 170-180 rewards

Reply December 2, 2017 - edited

Hey! I'm just coming back after two years, too. I got thoroughly distracted by Overwatch and nursing stuff. I mostly just need a game that I can periodically kill time in (that isn't hella live, like Overwatch is, due to my current roommate situation) since I'm on forced rest at the moment.

I'm downloading the game right now. No clue what I'm getting into except looks like there's 4-5 new classes, so I guess first order of business will be looking over and organizing that character list, same as you! I tend to have 2-3 characters in every world. So we'll see...

Reply December 2, 2017 - edited

I posted this just yesterday.
I always said it like the Jawas from Star Wars "BRO HEE NEE"

Reply December 1, 2017 - edited

BROHINI HAHAHA I'm sorry I have no idea on anything to help but that was so funny. I read it like bro-high-knee. When did you post this? (12/1/17)

Reply December 1, 2017 - edited