
Video Series Idea

First off, I'm PRETTY sure this is in the correct section but if it isn't please don't hate me or make me cry.

So, I'm making just a small post to get an idea of people's possible interest. I want to try out making a series of videos of me leveling a character...with nothing but questing. A few of you may remember my post from a few days ago about how dissatisfying and un-viable questing is. However, thinking about that sparked my intrigue for quests in the game. If anyone would have any interest in me starting a character at level 1 then leveling it through quests (and killing monsters on the way to other quests) let me know. I just want to get a pulse on the community to see if this would be something that would truly intrigue others and garner a few views.

December 5, 2015

3 Comments • Newest first


or you could make another one of those cat videos and get millions of views

Reply December 5, 2015

@markred626 The goal of it is to illustrate what questing that isn't required for most normal characters looks like. Probably would do it on an explorer.

Reply December 5, 2015

make a zero buy quest 2x and lvl up fast fast 0:

Reply December 5, 2015