
Sick of hackers

Hi, I'm sick of hackers so I'm reporting every bot I see. I've been keeping track of their maps. Some of them are:
Wolf Spider Cavern
NLC to the right, where I.AM.ROBOTs, Electrophants and those big Mario Bros plants are
NLC Aliens
Crimsonwood mountain-> Lower Ascent and Path of Peril (NLC to the left)
Malaysia, all maps (fantasy theme park 1, 2, 3, galloperas, etc)
Singapore -> Every map to the other side of Mp3 (Dukus, fire extinguishers, truckers, Ulu Estate 2, etc)
Haven -> Scrapyard maps
Twisted aqua road: Deep Sea 3
Twilight Perion mixed golems
Kritias maps (there is a map where are monks in 3 platforms, don't remember the name)
Temple of time, chief oblivion guards or something like that, the last maps
Ninja Castle (170+) outside and inside the castle
Leafre skeles, nest golems

If you know more maps, post them!

July 20, 2016

7 Comments • Newest first


Why bother? Nexon is doing a fantastic job at hunting cheaters, however if the cheater gives them a fair amount of income... No ban, not enough proof.
Just to be clear, I'm talking about a Kinesis named Hells

Reply July 20, 2016 - edited

Yeah but I'm talking about meso botters. Those magatia botters I've seen them, but they just seem to level there, because when they level up, they get less money from mobs. 150+ mobs don't decrease their money drop amount.

Reply July 20, 2016 - edited

Plenty of botters in Magatia, Herb Town, etc
They're just anywhere that people don't tend to go to very often.

Reply July 20, 2016 - edited

In other words every map

Reply July 20, 2016 - edited

Yeah that's why I'm telling every map where people bot in a legit site. Are you dumb son?

Reply July 20, 2016 - edited

i feel like you are asking for maps to bot

Reply July 20, 2016 - edited