
Aran VS Night Lords

Hey fellow maplers, I came back from a long break from maple. I currently a 112 hermit and a 30 aran. I am not sure if I should continue my hermit into a NL and go on as my new main or I should make a aran. Some of my friends told me that arans are more fun when they came out. So what do you maplers think, are arans or NL more fun and easier to train. Does arans still need to do click the combos or they can click skills like other jobs? I can also play any standards but I'm not sure which is better for the long run and funding because im restartring from rock bottom. Would be good if you state why arans are better than NLs. Thank you very much for your time.

August 21, 2011

5 Comments • Newest first


Arans all the way man. I got mine to 200. Because we are the best mobbers in the train, we train the fastest, therefore leveling us the fastest. ^^ If you want fast leveling, Aran should be your thing. Overswing > Avenger

Reply August 21, 2011

Resistances do.

Reply August 21, 2011

Alrighty I will get my hermit to 120 then I will try out the aran seeing how people say their skills are flashy it catchs my eyes for sure. Plus I kinda got board of hermits in the days because all you is just spam lucky seven at the newites.

Plus what job has the easier skill books to obtain, the lv 10 ones?

Reply August 21, 2011 - edited

I say NL, partly because a well funded NL will be better than a well funded aran. In terms of damage, and even play-ability however, it all depends on preference.
Also you're way close to 4th job on your hermit. Get it to at least 4th job and get a feel for things. It's not bad to have another 4th job char in your account anyways, plus you have back up, if you play on any char and you get ksed, you just bring your NL to the game and end of story.
Arans are good, I myself have one Aran , he's level 153 but he sucks even with decent equips, you gotta have real real nice equips to be good, other than that you basically have an average attacker with a few flashy skills. Nl's are real good bossers too.
You know in reality, any class can be good, really, just gotta have the right feel for them and fund them, and you have an awesome character, most o the times people are not happy with the class they chose, and they keep changing till they find one that feel right for them.
It's really not a matter of which one is better, or gives more damage or this or that.

Reply August 21, 2011 - edited

Continue the NL.

Reply August 21, 2011 - edited