

shinZ #General Talk


Maplers thinking theyre smart to think that they know about using their own shop permit... so i go and post my crocky helmets in a bundle in my shop (200 for __ meso) and some person looks in my shop and says "no one is going to buy one helmet for __ meso"... i tell them its a bundle and im selling 200 for that price not one and they start going "oh you must be a new seller, thats the price of one, you post 200 but the price is each" and i'm like.... dude if you get a shop permit you go and try the bundle feature (the thing you checkmark and say how many per bundle) and they say they have a shop permit and theres no such thing.. and clearly my slot clearly lists "200 for __ mesos." anyone experience times when


Rising Sun Equips and PSoK so i have some rising sun equips and i was wondering i'm reading the description and they say untradeable once equipped, and it also says at the bottom can be traded 1 time with PSoK... usually equips don't say both of those.. so does it mean that they are tradeable as long as they're not equipped? and that if you wear them, you have to PSoK to trade them again? or is it that you have to PSoK to trade everytime, but become untradeable and unPSoK-able once you wear it? because i am wearing them already, but the PSoK description is still present.. and if i can trade them again i'd like to transfer them over