
How to lower Black Ciph3rs Cpu usage

I know a lot of people have been having trouble, and I hope this helps others, for it has helped me.

Today we're going to discuss a program called ThreadMaster. ThreadMaster monitors threads on your CPU and handles high CPU utilization on a per application basis. When you add an application or process to ThreadMaster's list, it monitors the app/process for 30 seconds and finds the average CPU usage for that app/process. With ThreadMaster, you are able to set Black Ciph3r's CPU usage to a set number.

Once I installed ThreadMaster, I loaded up Maple and added BlackCiph3r to the applications list and set the Max CPU usage to 15. Once I reached the login screen I saw BlackCiph3r immediately starts spiking on CPU usage up to 100%. After 30 seconds, it dropped down to 3% cpu, and then to 0.

Here is a screenshot of the highest CPU usage BlackCiph3r has gone to after using ThreadMaster:

As you can see, it works very well. This is on a single core processor.

You can download ThreadMaster here at and ThreadMaster's GUI at

Once you have downloaded and extracted ThreadMaster, run the Install.cmd. If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7, be sure to run it as an administrator. A black box will pop up, and ThreadMaster will create a directory under c/windows/system32/ThreadMaster as well as a Registry Key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/ThreadMaster

Now, restart your computer and install ThreadMaster's GUI. The GUI is a user interface, or program that you can access. Thread master will, by default, limit all processes to 15% cpu usage. If you would like a process to not be limited, such as Maplestory or Firefox, add those processes to the exception list. Make sure the process is open, then switch to the processes tab on the GUI and highlight the process, then click the "Add Exception" button.

Once you load Maplestory, wait until BlackCiph3r loads, then check the GUI process list. BlackCiph3r should show up. Highlight it, then click the "Add Application" button.

Switch over to the Application tab, and you will see BlackCiph3r on the list. You can now limit BlackCiph3r to use any set % of CPU that you want. I chose 15%, and the highest usage BC has reached since then is 17%.

Remember, you must give it some time to work, but once ThreadMaster has read the usage of BlackCiph3r and determined it to be high, it will throttle it down to 15% or lower and should not let it go any higher than that. Once you're done, Maple will no longer lag and you'll be able to enjoy your game a lot more

I know a lot of people have been getting around BlackCiph3r's CPU usage by setting its affinity to 1 core on multiple core processors. While this may fix the lag for MapleStory, it puts all the stress of BlackCiph3r's usage on that core. I still suggest using ThreadMaster, even if you have multiple cores, to allow it to lower the usage and create less stress on that core.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. This program has worked great for me, and I'm sure it will work great for others as well.

July 29, 2012