

What skill to max next

Hey, I'm a level 131 Buccaneer, I have 10 Dragon Strike, 10 Pirates Revenge, 1 Super Transformation, 2 Demolition, 1 Energy Orb, 1 Time Leap, 1 Barrage and 1 Speed Infusion.

I don't have Dragon Strike 20 and I don't think I will be able to afford one any time soon. I have 9 points saved up.

I wanted to know what skills do you think I should max next, I would like to go train in the Temple of Time at level 135 because I don't like LHC very much.

Should I get Energy Orb? it is powerful but slow and limited for charge only, will it be good in ToT? Or should I get Super Transformation and Demolition?

Thanks to whoever helps

August 30, 2011

21 Comments • Newest first


Thanks, by the time I'll go to the ToT I'll have ST so it's fine

Reply September 17, 2011

If I estimate my skill usage at ToT for at least an hour it would be something like:

[b]35% Corkscrew Blow/Backspin Blow[/b] [i]for movement and invulnerability[/i]
[b]25% Energy Blast[/b] [i]for attacking[/i]
[b]20% Dragon Strike[/b] [i]for luring/alerting widespread mobs[/i]
[b]10% Energy Orb[/b] [i]for finishing and platform change[/i]
[b]7% Snatch[/b] [i]for an opening/finishing attack[/i]
[b]3% other (Energy Drain, Flash Fist, Double Uppercut)[/b] [i]for any singular left overs[/i]

You'll have a slight disadvantage against those that have a stronger Dragon Strike but since the primary skill is Energy Blast, you should be fine where ever you train. But in ToT, it's more beneficial to have ST before EO.

Reply September 16, 2011 - edited

Yes I think that is how I'll train at LHC, mostly Blast and EO for mobs that aren't stacked together

Reply September 16, 2011 - edited

It's too early to be using Blast at 71, but you can continue with EO. If you're training in LHC then it's not really going to be all that slow; you'll just have Blast for nearby mobs and Orb for distant mobs, simple.

Reply September 16, 2011 - edited

Sucks to train with blast, did that since level 71

Reply September 16, 2011 - edited

Then how would I train? at max Energy Orb is better for training then level 10 DS or level 30 Demolition, and as I said before I find getting the Charge easy and fast..

As for ST before EO, that maybe would have been better, but I want EO to attack 6 monsters ASAP

Reply September 16, 2011 - edited

[quote=shuki44]It is around 150M~ in Broa, I can't afford that, and what is the point in taking Dragon Strike now after I already put 22 points into Energy Orb..[/quote]

DS has no limitations and on equal number of mobs, I beleive DS is stronger(Unless the amount of mobs is 3 or less). Just don't worry about it, it's YOUR Bucc anyway and if you wanted to 'fix' your build, you can easily do so by 160ish. And even then, it's fine as it is, you just followed a heavy cookie-cutter build which is perfectly acceptable.

Reply September 16, 2011 - edited

It is around 150M~ in Broa, I can't afford that, and what is the point in taking Dragon Strike now after I already put 22 points into Energy Orb..

Reply September 16, 2011 - edited

Yea that is true, I will max ST right after EO, getting Charge isn't hard for me, and I want EO to attack 6 already..

Reply September 16, 2011 - edited

[quote=shuki44]I have now 90m and even if I had 120~150 I wouldn't want to spend all my money on a book that could fail.

And why would ST before Energy Orb be better? except Papulatus I don't use Demolition, but Energy Orb helps with my training and quests (that I like to do) more...

I use ST just for the Haste, and if I use Transformation and Super Transformation together I can be with Haste all but for 10 seconds which is nice..

My Energy Orb is 19 now and I don't regret it, I really like it, it's like Chain Lightning, only stronger and hits more monsters (but no Lightning element), if it's good enough for Ice/Lightning Arch Mages it's good enough for me..[/quote]
ST Strengthens your EO as well as every other skill you have. Raising EO only strengthens your EO and there's a downtime to it too so you can't always use it as freely as I/L AM's do.

So that's just like saying you're putting SP into a skill you can't use a third of the time.

Reply September 16, 2011 - edited

I have now 90m and even if I had 120~150 I wouldn't want to spend all my money on a book that could fail.

And why would ST before Energy Orb be better? except Papulatus I don't use Demolition, but Energy Orb helps with my training and quests (that I like to do) more...

I use ST just for the Haste, and if I use Transformation and Super Transformation together I can be with Haste all but for 10 seconds which is nice..

My Energy Orb is 19 now and I don't regret it, I really like it, it's like Chain Lightning, only stronger and hits more monsters (but no Lightning element), if it's good enough for Ice/Lightning Arch Mages it's good enough for me..

Reply September 16, 2011 - edited


Energy Orb level 19 and passed 30 already, after that takes ST..

Reply September 15, 2011 - edited

Thank you everyone, I will max Super Transformation, and will follow it with Energy Orb.

I don't think I'll have money for Dragon Strike 20 before I'll have Demo and Orb maxed, and the only bossing I do is Papulatus

Reply August 31, 2011 - edited

I don't know how much the mystery books have changed prices by but EO was also pretty expensive when I bought it. If you can't max EO, then don't bother with it because it doesn't hit 5 monsters until level 21 and even then, you'd rather use DS on 4 instead of Orb on 5 because you'll have left over mobs with EO anyway.

But you seem to not mind training at a normal rate so it should be fine should you want to get it.

Reply August 31, 2011 - edited

@shuki44 The EO build would be for someone who is PURELY grinding and who can probably not afford DS20 for a VERY long time. If you plan to mix training and bossing to any degree, ST would be better followed by Demo. Demo isn't going to help you while training. EO at max(If you can find the books) will help training more, but if you can afford DS20 after max ST(20 SP) or even after Demo(30 SP), then go with ST first then Demo, and add DS when you can afford it.

An EO build is a last resort for a poor, pure grinder. And I mean PURE grinding. If you ever boss then ST is going to be a LOT more beneficial and a better choice than EO, same for Demo.

Reply August 31, 2011 - edited

I'd get ST.

Reply August 31, 2011 - edited

I know it is faster, I just don't like the area, and I like getting drops from monsters..

Tricks, your guide for training buccaneers who can't afford DS 20 says to get ST and then EO, but you also say there that you do not recommend it, that's why I wonder if I should go with EO or Demo, can I effectively train with EO, or is DS 10 and Demo better?

Reply August 30, 2011 - edited

Why don't you train at LHC...?

Its like 10 times faster than ToT (literally)

Reply August 30, 2011 - edited

@shuki44 Your training build doesn't differ depending on location. Only depending on if you can/cannot afford DS20, want to boss early or want to boss late. All of which the guide covers. Training at ToT is going to be a lot slower than you think compared to LHC and in all honesty, the builds for the two don't differ at all since both of them are orientated towards mobbing builds, with LHC being somewhat more friendly to single target builds than ToT. That's really the only difference.

Reply August 30, 2011 - edited

Tricks I saw your guide and I use it since level 52 and it helped me alot, I'm just asking what would be better for me to take now considering I want to train in the Temple of Time.

Meng , what do you think I should follow it with?

Reply August 30, 2011 - edited

What use is a sticky'd guide if nobody reads it >_>?

Reply August 30, 2011 - edited