

I need help with my range /

I'm a lvl 120 DK, with a 7.2k-10.3k range clean, but the thing is I think I should have a higher range
The equips I have are-
16/16/15/16 Zhelm.
6% str top
6% str bot
6%str cape
9%str belt
4% str shoe
6%str earring
2 zombie rings, 1 legendary ring ( I know I need to get better rings when I get more money )
Bounty Hunter Badge
Deputy star
6 att wg
121 att fairfrozen, with a 2 lines of 10 att. (Total of 141att)
Now the thing is, I don't think I should only have a 10k range max with 37% str, and a wep with 141 total wep att.
Can anyone tell me what's wrong? Is this normal to have a 10k range at my lvl with my equips? I really think something is wrong
EDIT: I also only hit ~15k uncrit with DS btw.

June 30, 2012

1 Comment • Newest first


I meant Dark Impale sorry I'm just gonna lock thread because it doesn't seem to be getting the replies I want.

Reply June 30, 2012