skullpuppet #General Talk


Weekly Sc vs Unscheduled Do you view that a weekly sc is more efficient than an unscheduled sc? Personally i fall under the catagory that a weekly sc is more efficient due to the fact that it gives a solid day that the problem could be fixed (like the old Tuesday-Wednesday schedule) as opposed to cutting you off from semi-important in game things i.e. trading/bossing/pvp/training/pq/questing etc. the list goes on, state your opinion below =D, also this is heavily in reference to the Hell Bannings that have been occouring through scania and windia >.< EDIT: counter example: as opposed to my opinion (bias) there would be the fact that nexon could jump in and change the problem at any time that they choose such as the duping incident, al


I'm Coming back! Alright, so recently i've been totally locked up with school and work at the same time, and i havent played since wild hunter/battlemage released (i.e. winter break schoolwise) either way, i havent been on for relatively a long time and school is about to end for me forever, since im a senior in high school, and i'm trying for an A+ computer repairman's certification (i actually do side jobs now, i know how easily it is scrutanized by people that think they can get the certification, however ive passed 9/10 of the practice tests online that i have tried, and the only one i failed was the first one mostly due to inexperience). ANYHOOOOOOO im coming back and i havent been on since the release of the resistance, i was just won


Meso Selling Sites and Hackers? Has anyone else been getting spam whispers from meso selling sites on ch 1? im sure you have, please debate it here cause i really have no idea what is going on and i find when i disable the whispers a specific time period goes by (about 4 hrs) and i get randomly d/c'd, ontop of that i seem to d/c around the same time every night around 11pm and 2 am, ive been taking these notes since i was last hacked (about 2 months ago) and its really starting to get to me since i already have all of my equipment item locked but i seriously dont log out of my character anymore, so please if you will, tell me about this situation and your view/take/experience with it and whether or not the community should be concerned abou