

can I solo??

So I have a range of round 560k+ now. I hit over 4m per line of blast. I know that's not much but I have a pet with autopot and I'm a pally so crazy high survivability?

Do you guys think I can do hard magnus for Tyrants? If not, what can I do then? (Not just magnus)

December 22, 2015

1 Comment • Newest first


No, 4m per lines on hmag will get you nowhere. Idk how much more range you'll need to solo it with a pally, but me as a zero I can't solo it with 600k+ range with 230% boss and 70% pdr hitting over 15m per line on hmag. Just a reference for you.
You can solo norm mag for sure and also hard gollux.

Reply December 31, 2015