socalswimpanda #General Talk


where to fund from here So I'm basically broke now, save about 40m + an Absolute Ring and Evo Ring 2 Lvl 17 which I might sell if need be. I have about 97(?)% str which is basically 6% on every equip save like 3. And my weap's already perfected. I want to inc my damage but what else can I do? I'm already planning to transpose my emp stuff to SweetH2O so that's out of the question. Is getting a Decent SE or SI neb worth it for me? Or is there another course of action you'd suggest? I'd have to sell my rings though


cant submit document on basil stupid basil won't let me start a thread. I wrote up some stuff on word doc and pasted it onto here but then all the bullet points and etc changed into boxes and circles. basil wouldn't let me submit with those weird boxes so i got rid of those but now basil is saying either i'm forgetting a space after a period or using a URL shortener, none of which are true. My "paper" is note-formatted, like on word document, you got a title, then indented bulletpoints subsequently pertaining to the title. any help guys?


hows the storyline? We've had the Black Mage storyline since BB and it's been a long time since. I admit I haven't been paying too much attention >.> I'd appreciate a refresher :D So he has/had 7 (8?) commanders: lionheart, hilla, mag, ark, demon, lotus, orchid who also branches off into resistance story line, damian? Has the storyline made anyway headway lately? Where does guwaru (last thing i heard related to anything) fit in all this? White mage? Urus? Does Tower of Oz gal have to do with anything with the Transcendents?


What would be best char ever So I'm wondering about what would be the theoretically best equips (general) for anybody and what would be the best possible stats ever to go along with it. I'm thinking: -RA weapon (I took Terminus into account too but I thought Terminus' +x atk could not beat RA's 4 equip set effect) -Secondary Weapon ( +10 main stat, 5 W/MATK) -Lvl 180 Alien Necklace, Ring, Earrings ( 3 equip set +50 W/MATK) -Dominator Pendant -Full Lvl 150 RA Set ( +30 all stat, +20 W/MATK) -Tyrant Cloak, Belt, Boots -Black Tinkerer Shoulder -Ghost Ship Badge ( wasn't sure if Hero of Legend can be pottable but this one can) -Chaos PB Mark -Zombie Hunter Mask ( taking into account that it has 7 slots) -High Quality Dimensional Gloves ( the Do


job to burn Hello. It's been a year since I've played, just came back to see a burn option. Now I've just played about every single class that's ever come out, only problem is I'm not up to date which jobs recently got revamped so I don't know what job I wanna start and burn with. Any suggestions? If it helps, I've liked most classes to some degree, but I've particularly enjoyed BAMs, pallies, DK, NLs, Shads, Lums, Phantoms, Mercedes....on second thought I guess this isn't really helpful LOL Also, not an edit but while I'm typing this I just noticed but when did Cyg Knights go up to 250?

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