
little tip

Dont count on customer support from nexon america after a long correspondence my request to change an old account email was denied although I provided the nerd 'game master' lmao with my email, photo id, date of birth, nx purchase history, multiple characters on the account as well as every other bit of information pertaining to the account. My claim was 100% legitimate and the insult to injury was the lack of reason or explanation given by the 'gm' i aways knew nexon america was a waste but this charade is ridiculous. The account is 6 years old and was created using an email address that i can no longer access because well, six years is a long time to hold onto a spam mail account. That I received no explanation or apology after providing every detail of the account and my own personal information as requested is the last straw. Keep scratching your head nexon gms GG

February 1, 2015

3 Comments • Newest first


All GMs are useless. I can't count on any of them at all. Their customer service sucks, and it's like they copy + paste their responses without looking at the ticket.

Reply February 1, 2015

their names are Bahlaan and Polsh...i've been hacked before this account has been deactivated due to inactivity and they denied my claim despite giving them everything requested.

Reply February 1, 2015 - edited

Which GM did you ask? Some are more helpful than others. This GM actually provided me with compensation once for a glitch involving cubes and 100% tier up gear.

Reply February 1, 2015 - edited