
Ciots (Richard, LLLEGIT) faded Castellan boss to summon Toad, and then Imtruehero from ScrewAttack guild started attacking it to leech him.

Video shows they both partied, judge by yourself.

January 19, 2011

11 Comments • Newest first


LOL juan, for your information the reason i stopped was because i was talking to someone on my phone. You never said he dced you, richard said he found a frog and i went to kill it. And the fact that it doesn't show up on screen is because who ever was in the map faded it and so the only person who can actually have hacked it is either richard or you because the video shows the boss not being there and its your character. So technically the only proof you have is that you are possibly hacking it. Everything else is irrelevant.

Reply February 26, 2011

Why are some people here discouraging others to report hackers? :S

If he indeed is a hacker then I hope he does get banned!

Reply January 27, 2011

[quote=snowshoes]iCrossBoIt...hacker who supports another hacker...[/quote]

Nice evidence. Go log a ticket to nexon, hopefully I'll get banned

Reply January 22, 2011

[quote=javi64]Im pretty sure thats not a hack. That happens to me quite often. I got no idea why it does that but yeah the bosses disappear even tho you can still hit em.And if this was a hack wouldn't it be very pointless?[/quote]

Ok this is how things happened, i was killing it with my main then "Ciots" dced him, faded the boss(castellan), imtruehero comes in and starts attacking him to death, then he realizes im at the same room and because we were (Because he got asked to leave the guild) in the same guild he stopped. And ciots dc me after. Its not glitched or anything i know this guy been doing that which is why he got banned on his NL 1 or 2 weeks ago.

Reply January 22, 2011

[quote=snowshoes]Are you talking about Imtruehero?

Hacker getting caught= Fail @ hack
Hacker never getting caught = deserve to get away cause it doesn't affect you.

@ All flamers above, all I have to say...Geez I wonder how he got to level 17x? Don't flame the level 130, he did nothing wrong.
iCrossBoIt...hacker who supports another hacker...[/quote]

Dunno about dan,I just know richard did

Reply January 22, 2011

I don't understand why you're all hating on Richard.
He just discovered a new boss which isn't implemented into the .wz files.


But seriously hop off. It's getting old.

Reply January 20, 2011

;3 He hacks,everyone knows it the only thing I resent is the pb hacking because it affected me

Reply January 20, 2011

I don't think the guy hides that he hacks or is illegit.. check his "old" ign after all -facedesk- =.= heh also ya let's be honest, he's not negatively affecting anyone's gameplay directly here by doing this. The hackers that dc hack and/or hold bossing areas using that.. those are de bad ones ;3

Reply January 20, 2011 - edited

I've never seen this air boss before, does it give good exp?
He's not affecting your gameplay at all, you even said you went out of your way to track him. It's not like you want to HT and he's holding the altar - the only thing possibly affecting you is that he is killing the castellans, but they would be killed by someone else, anyway. At 13x, or whatever level you are, you can't hit it anyway. Other people who want to kill toad are the only people that are affected by this.
He has admitted to hacking, he doesn't deny this video, and he hasn't denied how some of his equips are scrolled. Hop of his nuts already, geez. If anything, all you haters are just jealous.

Reply January 20, 2011 - edited

This is a lie..........

Reply January 20, 2011 - edited

Omg ! , The boss disapeared !

Reply January 19, 2011 - edited