

spireweb #Chat Talk

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need help with a girl I never made a post like this before because I never really had an issue before but recently I found a girl that I like but there's a problem I haven't dwelt with before, shes way out of my wealth league and what I mean is she's from a wealthy family driving a brand new bmw for her first car with a bunch of coach bags when i'm struggling to save up for a 1st car at all. i'm not poor but i'm not rich either and I don't wanna come up looking like a freeloader. The thing about rich girls most of them at my school that I've met expect their bf to buy them everything also the reason why I avoid dating those type of girls.but this girl for some reason has me all caught up shes a soccer player so there's plenty of boys around

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It's that time of year again For all you highschool basilers homecomming is comming up pretty soon at least for my school it's in mid september, I just thought I would share my disaster homecomming story from 10th grade just for lols. warning pretty long text so if you dont like reading then oh well So back like 2 years ago I was going to ask this girl to homecomming that I really liked at the time, she was from brazil and I thought she was pretty good looking but anyways I talked to her brother to make sure that he would be ok with it cause it's just polite I guess and I made sure she didn't have a date or a boyfriend and thankfully she didn't. so the day rolls around and I get flowers and everything, at the time she was at the pool swimmi

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sick days at school recently I got stomach flu or food poisoning and I had like the worst shts and had a really bad stomach ache at school just when the teachers decide to give all the tests I couldn't concentrate and balled some hard Cs, I tried to talk to people acting like things were a normal day but I could barely keep a straight face, I had one of those moments where you get roasted and you dont hear what they say so you just sit there while your friends laugh </3, what are some of the worst days at school you've ever had?

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stereotypical schoolyard bully so at my school there's this guy named greg and all I hear about him is bad things, a few years ago he beat up one of my close friends but I didn't do anything about it, years have passed now and another friend tells me he got his ipod stolen by this guy recently, nothing too serious has happened yet but this guy keeps picking fights with people I know and so im thinking about dropping this guy hes about 6 ft tall I think hes around 250-300lbs really fat and only picks on people he knows he can pick on like little people, hes the typical bully that comes out in movies with his little gang of stoners, should I wreck this fool? the reason why I haven't is that I don't want to be suspended or lose my rep and it's

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transgender people and sports in a thread earlier something was mentioned about transgender people and how it might be used for someone of the opposite sex to compete for a women or a men's competition, by and I just realized its a good point. what does that mean will happen to the olympics? is it even legal for a guy to change sexes and compete as a girl or for a girl to change sexes and compete as a guy? should they make a whole new gender category for athletic competitions? it could be unfair if it was allowed but technically transgender people do have rights just as everyone else. :/ this may be old news but ive never heard about it so what are your guy's opinion on this?