

what could happen to people that leeched off hackers?

like, those who trained with people using hacks, or people who leeched off the cannnon's using the barrel glitch? just wondering as i see everyone doing it! are we going to see a lot of people being banned? or will nothing happen since this has no relation to nx?


May 16, 2012

4 Comments • Newest first


I hope everyone that leeches of hackers get banned. They may as well just hack themselves if they are gonna take advantage of things like that.

Reply May 17, 2012

Could you get banned? Yes. Will you get banned? No. /End thread

Reply May 17, 2012

Unless you stand right next to a GM while doing it, nothing will happen.

Reply May 17, 2012

The only possible way for someone to get banned leeching off of a hacker is if an actual GM sees them both. Autoban will only ban the one using hacks (ie the Cannoneer) and if neither are banned while hacking nothing will happen afterwards when they have stopped doing so. Therefor I can say not many people will be banned.

Reply May 16, 2012