

Will Ms convert to 64bit?

I'm just having a hard time wrapping it around my head.. Will it? Since the max mesos is going to be 9b or whatever?

February 21, 2013

8 Comments • Newest first



And I thought programmers around the world would learn their lesson after Y2K....

Reply February 26, 2013


Yes, it's actually not so much a programming problem as it is a "game design" problem.
No one ever expects a game they're writing to last for 8+ years, and no one ever expects numbers to ever grow that large for anything in a game so they don't plan ahead.

It's why Pac-Man crashes if you hit level 255.

Reply February 26, 2013

^they probably thought at the time that using int to store all the data would be enough.
after all, why would any player need to carry more than 2b? or so they thought

Reply February 24, 2013

apparently they changed the data type used to hold mesos in KMS and limited the amount to 10b - 1 mesos
also: question in thread title makes no sense.

Reply February 24, 2013

[quote=spongebox]I'm just having a hard time wrapping it around my head.. Will it? Since the max mesos is going to be 9b or whatever?[/quote]

"64 bit" has nothing to do with it.
They'll just recompile the game code using longer integers, like they should have used in the first place.

If your computer runs 32bit Windows it can certainly handle numbers larger than 2.1 billion, IF it's properly programmed.
Maplestory was not.

Reply February 21, 2013

No, it won't be.

Reply February 21, 2013

I don't think anyone actually knows what 64bit is...

Reply February 21, 2013

Well all i know is its gonna be even more laggier and the patches/maintenance are twice as longer </3 </3

Reply February 21, 2013