General Phantom

Tips for a new Phantom? I recently created a Phantom in Reboot, Lv 153 at the moment. I've created a few phantoms before just to have fun in other servers, but I'm looking to make this character my main, and was wondering if anyone had some tips for a basically unfunded Phantom. At the moment, I have... All Pensalir equips Dea Sidus Earrings Zakum Face and Eye accs Blackgate Shoulder Mystic Belt (Terrible, I know) Gold Silent Crusade Ring Ring from Ellin Theme Dungeon Curbrock Ring 120 Def ring I crafted Veteran Pendant Haven't gotten Pocket slot yet All are Starforced to 10 stars, or max, whichever comes first All have 3% luck or more, except for cape, which has no potential I know these are terrible, so tips as to how to get good equips a

General Thief

Bored - New Resistance Thief Concept? So, I was just thinking about how cool it would be to have a sort of puppeteer class in Maplestory. It would be able to control 1 or more mobs (depending on what job you have achieved) and force them to use skills unique to the type of monster. In addition, they would be able to trade positions with the mobs, teleport the mobs to a place of your choosing, etc. They would have low HP and Moderate MP, and they would attack weak but fast, sort of like Zero's Alpha. I am thinking that their secondary weapon would be a spool of string, and that they'd attack with razor-sharp strings. But then again, class balancing is a foreign subject to me, so can you all help expand this idea?