stevenman76 #Marksman Talk

General Marksman

Marksman Endgame Boss Damage Hey everybody! For anybody that floats around the hero section, you might have seen me there before. Currently, I'm a hero main slowly boosting up my damage. Sooner or later, I'll be funding my marksman as my second main. Currently I can do solo all 3 core CRAs and Hmag on my hero, and I've been upgrading so that I can cvellum hopefully within the next few months. Once I can, I'll be focusing on funding my marksman. I was wondering about how much per line I would need with snipe to solo: Emp Chaos Queen Chaos Pierre Chaos Von Bon Hmag (I know this is "harder" for marksman, since the blue area restricts your max distance) I understand it might be difficult to define a specific amount of damage as much o