stevenman76 #Site Talk

General Site

Posting a guide or long thread bug So basically, I've made a guide for _____ (Not gonna say it so that my idea isn't stolen, since theres no stickied guide for it on basil), and its basically complete and thorough. It would take a long scroll to get through and includes pictures and more details. I completed my guide about 3-4 months back, but I couldn't post it, due to a problem where I would get this page after "adding my thread": After putting in the captcha (in this case its 6650), putting a message to the owner of the website, and pressing submit, I just get sent back to the basilmarket homepage, and the thread isn't posted. A while back I posted a thread about this, and sent in a few tickets for this, but I received no fix.

General Site

How to upload a picture of your character? Hey everybody! I wanted to update my character, as my level and look on basil was outdated. However, when I deleted my character on basil and remade it, it now comes up without a picture. I noticed you have to upload "an official player pic," with a size of 96x96 and a format of PNG or GIF. So I went to the website and downloaded the picture of my character off the rankings, and what do you know, it's already 96x96 and a png. So I tried to upload it, but I got the error message saying "You can only use an official player pic (a 96x96 GIF or PNG)." Strange, but ok. So I went to a PNG to GIF converter, and uploaded my image. It came out perfectly as 96x96. Once again, I got the er

General Site

To basil mods Hey basil mods, I think theres a glitch with basil right now. Anytime you try to post a really long thread, the page changes to a Captcha thingy. Once you go through with it, it just sends you to the front page of basil, and your thread doesn't post. This is a big problem because I can't post a guide that I've made, because its too long and it gets the captcha thing. I've tried using two different computers, my phone, I've tried running virus scans (since it says one reason may be a virus), I've tried using different browsers (I'm using google chrome), I've tried incognito mode, but none of these work. Please help inb4 mods don't even see this