

stillllish #General Talk


Pvp needs some love 1.) When you go from base portal to 2, if someone is standing on the bottom right side of 2, their attacks will hit you if the attack is at the same time of port. 2.) Moonbeam, that class is broken. It needs to be re balanced. The cd on it's x skill is too short. It needs to be extended. 3.) Blue still has a very strong advantage. With the changing of opposing bases now reducing hp, its easier for blue to cycle through 2 back to base, pushing red players into base as a retreat, red players can no longer escape with an instant death. It's a feeding system for blue. 4.) Boss portals lag, there is portal lag in general. 5.) If there is going to be an implemented 10 min ban for "inactivity" in game, at least state


Pvp teams? Go Solo? Going solo doesn't ever seem to go so well for me. It seems that more often than not I'm on teams with the one person who stays and grinds at 1 the whole game. Or the person who moves to 3 while the other grinds at 1 while you're left alone at level 2 scratching head. Or those that feed constantly every spawn running in alone to battle 1v3. You guys having better luck running teams or going in solo? Anybody need another savage in the team rotation? Seems like nobody in my guild/buddy/ally does pvp. I don't think I've been in maple world since pvp came out.